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Asked by: Yazid Vingovatov
business and finance startupsHow do you make a strong retaining wall?
Here are three key principles in building any solid retaining wall:
- Bury the bottom course, or courses, of the retaining wall one tenth the height of the wall to prevent the soil behind from pushing the bottom out (Fig. B).
- Step back the blocks, rocks or timbers to get gravity working in your favor (Fig. B).
In this manner, what is the cheapest way to build a retaining wall?
- Treated pine and is the least expensive material.
- Hardwood is more expensive than treated pine.
- Concrete sleepers are more expensive.
- Besser blocks are relatively expensive to have installed.
- Interlocking concrete blocks come in a variety of prices.
Additionally, what is the best type of retaining wall?
Timber and inter-locking-concrete-block walls are great DIY retaining wall ideas. Mortared masonry and poured concrete ones are usually best left to a mason.
Small walls under 3 feet in height may not require drain holes if the wall itself is not completely impermeable. For example, "dry-stacked" stone walls -- meaning those that are not held together with mortar -- have enough space between each stone to function as informal weep holes.