Asked by: Leda Estibalis
home and garden landscaping

How do you make a swale?

Dig a trench along the swale route. Use ashovelto create a 6- to 12-inch deep trench, shaping thebottominto a "V" and rounding out the sides. Smooth and compressthefloor and walls of the trench.

Also know, how does a swale work?

Swales as used in permaculture are designedtoslow and capture runoff by spreading it horizontally acrossthelandscape (along an elevation contour line), facilitatingrunoffinfiltration into the soil. In arid climates, vegetation(existingor planted) along the swale can benefit fromtheconcentration of runoff.

Likewise, what can you grow in a swale? However, clover, most grasses, comfrey, andnumerousother plants will tolerate the occasional inundationthatoccurs at the bottom of a swale. The berm is the bestplaceto plant fruit trees, berry bushes, vine, herbs,flowers,and anything else that likes loose, rich soil, butrequiresexcellent drainage.

Just so, how much does it cost to build a swale?

Surface swale: Estimate at $.50 per squarefoot.These slightly depressed flow lines are createdthroughgrading. Surface may be lawn or cobbles to help slowvelocity andfilter debris. French drain: Estimate $20.00 to $30.00per linearfoot.

What is a grass swale?

A grass swale is a stable turf, parabolicortrapezoidal channel used for water quality or to conveystormwaterrunoff, which does not rely on the permeability of thesoil as apollutant removal mechanism.

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