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Asked by: Roma Villodas
medical health cold and fluHow do you make a swollen eye go down after a fight?
Apply a cold compress soon after theinjury.
Using gentle pressure, place a cold pack or a clothfilled with ice to the area around your eye. Takecare not to press on the eye itself. Apply cold as soon aspossible after the injury to reduce swelling. Repeatseveral times a day for a day or two.
Just so, how do I get the swelling down on my face after a fight?
More on reducing swelling in your face
- Getting more rest.
- Increasing your water and fluid intake.
- Applying a cold compress to the swollen area.
- Applying a warm compress to promote the movement of fluidbuildup.
- Taking the appropriate allergy medication/antihistamine(over-the-counter medication or prescription).
Likewise, people ask, how long does it take for swollen face to go down?
5 to 7 days
Mild swelling
- Rest and protect a sore area.
- Elevate the injured or sore area on pillows while applying iceand any time you are sitting or lying down.
- Avoid sitting or standing without moving for prolonged periodsof time.
- A low-sodium diet may help reduce swelling.