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Asked by: Agripina Wohlfart
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you make a toilet paper flashlight?
- Gather your supplies.
- Tape the wire to the negative ( - ) end of one ofthebatteries.
- Tape the bottom of the toilet paper roll/cardboardwellso that it is completely covered.
- Insert the battery, wired end first, into the toiletpaperroll.
- Insert the next battery, negative side first.
Also, how do you make a flashlight?
3-volt flashlight bulb. 2 brass fasteners (brads)Smallcardboard piece for holding bulb.
How to Build the Flashlight:
- Cut the cardboard tube lengthwise and flatten.
- Cut two wires and strip both ends.
- Cut a small cardboard piece to fit over the top ofthetube.
- Wrap one of the wires around the body of the light bulb.
Keeping this in view, how does a flashlight work science project?
When the switch of a flashlight is pushed intotheON position, it makes contact between two contact strips,whichbegin a flow of electricity, powered from the battery.Thebatteries are connected in such a way that electricity (flowofelectrons) runs between the positive and negative electrodes ofthebattery.
They were made from branches or sticks ofwood,preferably green or wet wood to prevent the fire from burningup toyour hand. Ouch! Torches can also be made fromreedsor river cane, bark, or bamboo. These types of torcheswouldneed to be bound with twine so that theyremainsturdy.