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Asked by: Nathanial Goldschmid
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you make a turkey ahead of time and reheat?
Also, how do you reheat turkey without drying it out?
- Heat the oven to 350°F. Arrange a rack in the middle oftheoven and heat to 350°F.
- Slice the turkey and spread into a baking dish.
- Cover the turkey with broth and dot with the butter.
- Reheat in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes.
- Serving.
- Wait about 20 minutes after removing turkey from the oventoallow the juices to distribute.
- Slice breast meat; legs and wings may be left whole.
- Refrigerate turkey, loosely covered.
- When serving your turkey the next day, the USDA Meat andPoultryHotline advises that cooked turkey may be eaten coldorreheated.
Keeping this in view, can I make the turkey a day ahead?
Roasting your turkey ahead will save you thetimespent testing and carving, allowing you to spend more timewithyour guests. It's easy: Simply cook it a day ortwoin advance, let it cool completely, then carve the birdintolarge pieces—breasts, wings, thighsanddrumsticks.
Drop oven temperature to 275°F. You'll wanttoreheat your turkey for around 5 minutes per pound.Soa 10lb turkey would need to reheat for around50minutes. Use a meat thermometer before removing. USDArecommendscooking and reheating all poultry to aninternaltemperature of 165°F.