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Asked by: Teofanes Schulken
technology and computing photo editing softwareHow do you make an animated button in flash?
Just so, what is animated button?
Animated buttons display an animation in any of the first three keyframes (Up, Over, and Down) of the button symbol. A button can spin when the pointer rolls over it, for example, because you have an animation of a spinning graphic in the Over state.
Also Know, what are the four button states in Flash?
The four states are labelled “Up” - (when the mouse cursor is not over the button), “Over” - (when the mouse cursor is over the button, but the mouse button is not pressed), “Down” - (when the user presses the mouse button over the button itself), and “Hit” - (this is a nonvisual state that enables you to define the
ActionScript is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that is designed specifically for Web site animation. Originally released with Macromedia Flash 4 and enhanced for Flash 5, ActionScript is a sophisticated version of the script language introduced in Flash 3.