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Asked by: Blasinda Prentice
business and finance interest ratesHow do you make an improper fraction into a mixed number?
- Divide the numerator by the denominator.
- Write down the whole number answer.
- Then write down any remainder above the denominator.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you make a fraction into a whole number?
You can make any fraction into awholenumber by multiplying the fraction by thesamenumber in the denominator. For example, if you multiply1/3by 3, you get 1; if you multiply 1/2 by 2, you get 1; ifyoumultiply 2/3 by 3, you would get 2.
Also know, how do you reduce mixed fractions?
To change a mixed fraction to animproperfraction we write the whole number as afraction withthe given denominator and then add thenumerators. To reducea mixed fraction, we need onlyreduce the fractionalpart of the mixed fraction bypulling out the commonfactor.
Mixed numbers have a whole numberfollowedby the fraction (2 1/2). You would say "two and one half."Theother format is an improper fraction where the numerator isgreaterthan the denominator (5/2).