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Asked by: Levent Terribas
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow do you make bronzer with cocoa powder?
Method 1 Making Powder Bronzer
- Combine the ground cinnamon, cocoa powder, groundnutmeg,and cornstarch in a bowl.
- Test the bronzer, and make anynecessaryadjustments.
- Add some beet or hibiscus powder if you'd like ittodouble as a bronzer-blusher.
Also to know is, how do you make fake tan with cocoa powder?
- Blend 1/3 cup of cocoa powder with 1/2 cup of your lotionbasewith a fork or a spoon.
- Mix well until any lumps are gone.
- Add more cocoa powder if you want a darker color shade anddon'tworry, the lotion appears darker than it will on yourskin.
- Apply the lotion on your body.
One may also ask, how do you use bronzing powder?
Lightly sweep the brush along the outer sides ofyourupper forehead and along your hairline. Applythebronzer to your cheekbones. Next, make a fish faceandapply your bronzer to your cheekbones. You canalsodo this by smiling, starting at the apples of your cheeks,andsweeping slightly up toward your hairline.
Yes, cocoa powder helps repair skin cells!That'sbecause it is packed with antioxidants that fight offfreeradicals. So make a cocoa powder face mask torepairyour skin cells and rejuvenateyourface!