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Asked by: Zhiguo Trisanu
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you make butter in a Ziplock bag?
Similarly, it is asked, can you make butter in a plastic jar?
Pour 1/4 cup of heavy cream into a jar. For kidsI often use a plastic jar so that they don't have to worryif they drop it. When you see the balls ofbutter separating, then pour off the buttermilk (forpancakes!) and take the butter out of the jar with aspatula. If you want you can add a littlesalt.
In this way, how do I make my own butter?
- Pour heavy cream into the mason jar, filling it half-way full.Screw the lid on.
- Shake mason jar for approximately 5-7 minutes. After the first2 minutes you'll have whipped cream.
- Remove the solids from the jar.
- Place the solids into a small bowl.
- At this point you have butter.
Organic butter prices Wow! So not only is making your own buttercheaper, but you also get delicious buttermilk! A quart ofheavy cream yields about 19 ounces of buttermilk. While homemadebutter is cheaper than store bought, buttermilk from thestore is cheaper than homemade.