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Asked by: Birte Eckhorst
home and garden interior decoratingHow do you make chair covers out of sheets?
- Measure your chair from the floor on one side up and over the arm of the chair to the seat.
- Cut a fitted sheet in half crosswise.
- Place the two sheet halves printed side down over the arms of the chair so that the cut sides are dangling down the outsides of the chair arms.
Just so, how do you make a slipcover out of a sheet chair?
Lay the sheet fabric face down on the floor, and place the cushion upside down on top of it. Wrap the sheet fabric around the cushion like a package, and pin the edges together with safety pins. Cover any additional seat cushions the same way.
Secondly, can you reupholster over existing fabric?
When reupholstering an old piece, Verdi says, you might be able to salvage the old batting if it's been kept in a temperate, dry location (like your parents' house). So long as the old fabric isn't darker than your new fabric, you can even upholster right over it.
Lay the sheet lengthwise from the floor in front of the footrest, evenly over the seat and arms and over the back of the chair. Let any excess length hang down the back.