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Asked by: Ignacio Novosadov
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow do you make cinnamon scented candles?
Take the measuring cup with the wax out of the water,andstir 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon into the wax usingawooden skewer. For a more intense fragrance, add 15 dropsofcinnamon essential oil. If you'd like a morecomplexfragrance, consider adding 1 teaspoon of vanillaextract and½ teaspoon of ground clove.
Furthermore, can I put cinnamon in my candle?
Place 1 brick of wax into a saucepan. On medium heatandstirring constantly, melt wax. Remove from heat and stir in15drops of essential oils and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon per4ounce jar/candle. Mix well.
- Use the recommended percentage of fragrance oil for the typeofwax you're using.
- Be sure to weigh your fragrance oils on a scale, not measureina cup or spoon.
- Add fragrance oil at 185Fº and stir gently andthoroughlywith the melted wax.
- Let your candles cure before test burning them.
Regarding this, can you scent candles with spices?
If you are using spices ordriedherbs, simply add 1/2 teaspoon to the jar and mix themwiththe oil. Repeat the process until the oil begins tosmellpotent. Cover your jar and place it in thecupboard foranother week. Pour a dash of your newlyscented oilinto melted wax when you nextmakecandles.
How to Make Your House Smell Good WithCinnamonSticks
- Fill the saucepan approximately halfway with water.
- Add two or three cinnamon sticks to the saucepan.
- Add other ingredients, such as citrus peels, whole clovesandapple wedges, to the water to customize your aroma.
- Set the saucepan on a burner and turn the burner tomediumheat.
- Monitor the simmering.