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Asked by: Artashes Saguer
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you make clear ornaments with paint inside?
Gather your supplies and carefully remove the tops ofall the glass ornaments. Fill each ornament withabout 1 tablespoon of craft paint. Rotate theornament so the paint covered the entireinside. You may need to shake the ornament a bit oreven add a little more paint to cover the entiresurface.
Regarding this, how do you paint inside ornaments?
Pouring your paint into yourornaments: Select a paint colour, and squirt some into anornament. Give the ornament a quarter turn and squirtagain. Repeat with the same colour a couple more times, tipping andturning your ornament so the paint coats some of theinside of the glass or plastic.
- Spread newspaper over the work surface.
- Paint designs on each hardened dough decoration using acryliccraft paints and a brush.
- Squirt bits of several colors into small pools on a piece ofwax paper.
One may also ask, how do you paint clear plastic ornaments?
- Remove the ornament top.
- Squirt some paint into the ornament.
- Cover top with your thumb and shake ornament.
- Continue shaking until full coverage is achieved.
- Set in a muffin tin or egg carton to dry completely.
- Once dry, put the hanger back into the top of theornament.
- Hang ornaments on the tree and enjoy.
How to Make Glittered Glass Ornaments
- Take the ornament hanger off before.
- Sprinkle and pour a generous amount of glitter inside yourglass ornament.
- Covering the opening with a paper towel, shake and swirl untilthe inside is completely covered with glitter.