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Asked by: Ishtar Bartlechner
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you make egg wash for meat?
Also, how do you make egg wash?
An egg wash is egg (white, whole, oryolk)beaten with water, milk or cream. You can use an eggwash toseal edges together, add shine, or enhance the goldencolor ofbaked goods. To start, mix egg plus 1 tablespoon ofliquid(water, milk, or cream) in a small bowl with a forkuntilcombined.
Also to know, can you use butter instead of egg wash?
Egg Wash Substitute You can also use custard and water,meltedbutter, olive oil, honey, maple syrup, yogurt, andveganoptions like soy or almond milk.
Since there is protein in both the yolk andthewhite, any whole egg or yolk will make the crustbothshiny and brown. The white, on the other hand, willonlypromote browning without contributing any significantgloss to thecrust. Egg washes may contain water, milk, orcream, andsometimes salt.