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Asked by: Porfirio Horcajuelo
hobbies and interests beadworkHow do you make glasses out of glass bottles?
- Supplies.
- Step 1: Choose Your Bottle.
- Step 2: Consume Beverage.
- Step 3: Create Ice Bath.
- Step 4: Pour Acetone into Dish.
- Step 5: Cut Yarn and Wrap Bottle.
- Step 6: Soak Yarn in Acetone.
- Step 7: Put Yarn Back Onto Bottle.
Keeping this in view, what can you do with liquor bottles?
15 Ingenious Ways to Reuse a Liquor Bottle
- Photo Frame. DIY Network.
- Tiki Torch. DIY Cozy Home.
- Soap Dispenser. Buzzfeed.
- Chalkboard Wine Bottles. Her Campus.
- Bottle Top Table. Instructables.
- Flower Vases. Off Beat Bride.
- Bottle Lamp. Pioneer Settler.
- Salt & Pepper Shakers. PicClick.
Likewise, people ask, how do you cut the bottom off a glass bottle?
Take a piece of string, soak it in nail polish remover (or anything else acetoney), and wrap it around the place where you want to cut the bottle. Then set the string on fire, which will apply intense heat to the narrow area on the bottle around where the string is tied.
Besides a glass cutter, you'll also need a can of cutting oil or machine oil, window cleaner, some kind of straightedge guide, a few cotton rags, duct tape, snug-fitting safety glasses and leather gloves. Prepare a clean, flat, hard surface for cutting glass, such as a sturdy workbench or thick piece of plywood.