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Asked by: Monserra Moliano
business and finance business administrationHow do you make good economic decisions?
- Identify your goal.
- Collect relevant information.
- Identify the alternatives and consequences.
- Review the evidence.
- Make your economic decision.
- Implement your decision.
- Review your decision.
Besides, what are economic decisions?
Economic decisions are those decisions inwhich people (or families or countries) have to choose what to doin a condition of scarcity. Scarcity occurs because people haveunlimited wants but only have limited resources with which tofulfill these wants. An individual person has to make economicdecisions.
Likewise, what are the 3 types of decision making?
Types of Decision Making - An Overview. Wedetermine types of decision making by looking at outcomesand the impacted entity. At the highest level we have chosen tocategorize decisions into three major types: consumerdecision making, business decision making, andpersonal decision making.
The market makes the three economic decisions, using demandand supply, or the 'invisible hand'. Demand is representative ofthe needs/wants of consumers, and supply the willingness of firmsto supply goods and services.