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Asked by: Xianbin Escuça
food and drink vegetarian dietsHow do you make Jamie Oliver Bircher muesli?
- 100 g oats.
- 2 tablespoons white chia seeds.
- 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds.
- 350 ml milk , of your choice (I use almond or coconut)
- maple syrup , to taste.
- 1 dash of all-natural vanilla extract.
- 1 lemon.
- 2 ripe pears.
Also know, what is the difference between Bircher muesli and regular muesli?
Regular muesli is dry,birchermuesli is not as it's typically made with cream andlemon juiceand is eaten after all the ingredients have had timetosoak.
Similarly, it is asked, do you have to soak Bircher muesli?
Muesli can be soaked overnight, butnoworries if you forget to start the process the nightbefore.Even after a short 10-15 minute soak, the grains willstartto soften up.
about 3 days