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Asked by: Sylviane Barbacil
travel rail travelHow do you make money reselling tickets on Ticketmaster?
- Sign into My Account and tap on your order toviewtickets.
- Click the "Sell" button.
- Select the ticket(s) you'd like to sell.
- Price your ticket(s) to sell.
- Select which payment method you'd like to receiveyourfunds.
- Review listing and complete.
People also ask, how much does Ticketmaster charge to resell tickets?
When listing tickets, Ticketmastershowsyou the price the buyer will see and the amount you will bepaid ifyour tickets sell. The fee works out to about 14% ofthesale price. This fee can vary based on yourlistingprice.
Moreover, how do you buy and resell a profit ticket?
Start by buying a couple $40 tickets foranevent you would enjoy. Wait until closer to the event date andlistthem for sale. If they don't sell for a profit you'reout $80and you get to go to a show. If you do make a profityou canparlay that into more purchases and try again.
From there, you can place your orders (ideallyinbulk) and make a profit by reselling them. Tomakemoney in reselling shoes, you need to findpairssold under reseller price so you can profitoffthem.