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Asked by: Ferriol Schaffer
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you make mosaic garden stepping stones?
- Spread thin-set mortar in sections. Arrange pieces as desired, pressing them lightly into mortar.
- Arrange pieces as desired. Mix grout according to package directions.
- Spread grout, filling gaps. Using a wet sponge, clean excess grout from the sides and top of stone.
- Clean off excess grout.
Likewise, people ask, how do you seal mosaic stepping stones?
Use a paintbrush to brush a thin coat of sealant onto the surface of your stepping stone. If there are embellishments on the stepping stone or engraved writing, be certain the sealant gets inside all the nooks and crannies of your design. You can also seal the sides of the stepping stone, but it isn't necessary.
Herein, how do you do outdoor mosaic art?
Choose a method and follow these tips to make your project go smoother.
- Use Thinset Bonding Mortar. Thinset bonding mortar is moisture resistant.
- Use the Recommended Outdoor Mosaic Glue/Adhesive.
- Apply Good-Quality Sand and Cement Grouting Mixture.
- Use High-Quality Sealants.
You can add a mudlike layer of mixed mortar to plain steppingstones, then decorate them with pebbles, tiles, leaves and other materials. Or you can use the Quikrete Walk Maker, a heavy plastic mold that makes "stones" with a quick-setting concrete mix.