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Asked by: Racheal Reynaud
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you make paint look like granite?
In respect to this, what kind of paint do you use on countertops?
Once you have primed the countertops, youcanuse a satin or semi-gloss oil-based enamel. Mostareperfectly safe for food preparation, but make sure thepaintstore knows what that you are planning to usethepaint on your countertop.
Similarly one may ask, can I change the color of my granite countertop?
You can use granite counter top sealertochange the color of the granite, but therearesealers that will not change the color ofyourgranite if you do not want it changed.Thiswill immediately absorb into the granite, nothavingan effect on the color.
13 Ways to Transform Your Countertops WithoutReplacingThem
- Before you replace your dingy countertops
- Lay marble tiles on top of your counter.
- Get a marble-style look by layering concrete.
- Paint them to look like granite.
- Give them the brown paper bag treatment.
- Replace countertops with smooth concrete.
- Or coat them with a rough concrete cover.
- Change the color with tinted cement.