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Asked by: Cintya Koeppel
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you make pepper sticks out of venison?
Also, how long do deer sticks last? Shelf stable sticks are good for vac sealed for 10 days, fridge for 2-3 weeks (un opened) freezer for 1 year. Try not to put your finished sticks in a zip lock as this can create moisture and the sticks will go bad wishing days.
Do venison snack sticks need to be refrigerated?
Considering this, how long should you smoke venison snack sticks?
1. Start at 130* for 1 to 1.5 hours (no smoke or water in the pan) This gives the casings time to dry some. 2. 140* with smoke for 2 hours.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you make venison snack sticks in a dehydrator?
The snack sticks need to stay in the dehydrator until the internal temperature is at least 155 degrees Fahrenheit. At that point they are cooked, and the real drying begins. For them to reach the texture of a snack stick instead of a sausage, they really need to be left in for a long time.
Yes, ours does require refrigeration.