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Asked by: Judson Fitten
home and garden landscapingHow do you make potting mix for African violets?
- Two cups Peat Moss +one cup Vermiculite + one cup Perlite (50:25:25 ratio)
- One cup Peat moss + one cup Vermiculite or Perlite (50: 50 ratio)
- One cup AV potting mix + one cup peat moss + one cup vermiculite /perlite.
Correspondingly, can I use regular potting soil for African violets?
A good potting soil for African Violets actually contains no soil (or dirt) at all. A good potting soil will be very light and porous, a quality which enhances aeration, while keeping the soil moist, but not soggy. For African Violets, the pH should be between 5.8 and 6.2.
- Step 1: African violet with a “neck”. A “neck” is the palm-tree like trunk that appears over time as the lower rows of leaves are removed.
- Step 2: Cut-away bottom of root ball.
- Step 3: Push plant back into same size pot.
- Step 4: Add fresh soil.
- Step 5: The repotted violet.
Furthermore, what is the difference between African violet potting soil and regular potting soil?
Commercial African violet mixes are generally more porous and have better drainage than house-plant potting mixes. African violet mixes also are slightly more acid than regular house-plant potting soil. Many growers use soilless mixes. They do not contain natural soil from outdoors.
For the best potting soil for succulents, start with a basic cactus and succulent soil mix, or even an African violet mix, available at most garden centers. Peat moss, the main ingredient in most potting soils, is hard to wet and then dries out quickly.