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Asked by: Naheed Ithurbide
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you make the color lilac with food coloring?
Beside this, how do you make lilac with food coloring?
Mix one part royal blue paste or gel foodcoloring with one part violet paste or gel food coloringusing a toothpick or chopstick. Stir the colors together,thoroughly, using the toothpick or chopstick. Add a tiny bit ofblack gel or paste food coloring until you reach the depthof color desired.
Thereof, what colors do you mix to make lilac?
One part blue plus one part red is a good startingpoint. If you've found a paint color similar tolilac, like a violet or a light purple shade, this will savea step. Your purple will need to be either lightened or darkeneddepending on your base mix of purple.
These colors are made by mixing togetherequal parts of different primary colors. Mix twodrops of blue food coloring together with two drops of redto make purple food coloring. Combine two drops ofred food coloring with two drops of yellow foodcoloring to make orange.