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Asked by: Viki Borkowski
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you make wood smooth and shiny?
DIY Shiny Wood Finish
- Sand the surface of the wood with 600-grit sand papertoremove any imperfections and to give the polyurethane agrippingsurface.
- Wipe the surface clean with a rag dampened withmineralspirits.
- Brush clear pore filler onto the wood surface withapaint sponge.
Beside this, how do I get a high gloss finish on wood?
- Sand the wood with 150-grit sandpaper.
- Wipe off the sanding dust using a damp towel or rag.
- Prime the wood with a stain-blocking wood primer.
- Use a foam brush to paint the wood surface with ahigh-gloss,oil-based paint.
- Apply a second coat of high-gloss, oil-based paint afterthefirst coat dries.
In this manner, how do I get a smooth finish with polyurethane?
Polyurethane Finish Tip#1: Start With aThickCoating That's not to say you should apply each coatthickly.Four regular coats of urethane applied one over the otheris a goodstarting point. Sand lightly with 240-grit sandpaperbetween coats,then let the last coat dry for at least24hours.
Before you begin paintingwithhigh-gloss latex, you must prepareyoursurfaces carefully. Scrape any loose paint or wallpaperandsand down rough spots using afine-gritsandpaper.