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Asked by: Maryama Jiggens
video gaming music and party video gamesHow do you make your own notes?
- Gather your note-taking materials. It may soundprettybasic, but it's important to have all ofyournote-taking materials organized and ready to gobeforethe start of any class, meeting orlecture.
- Come prepared.
- Be an active listener.
- Take notes by hand.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Also to know is, what is the best way to take notes?
Get the Most Out of Your Notes
- Review, review, review. Make sure that you review yournoteswithin the first 24 hours after your lecture.
- Review a small portion of your notes every day. Don't trytocram before your test.
- As you're doing assigned reading or research, have your notesonhand and notice repetition.
- Note-taking method #1: The Outline method. The Outline methodisone of the best and most popular note-taking methods forcollegestudents.
- Note-taking method #2: The Cornell Method.
- Note-taking method #3: The Boxing Method.
- Note-taking method #4: The Charting Method.
- Note-taking method #5: The Mapping Method.
Just so, what are note making methods?
The linear format
- Use headings, underlining and capitals to organise notes onthepage.
- Use symbols or abbreviations to keep it brief.
- Use bullet points or numbering.
- Leave good margins so you can add additional notes later.
- Use quotation marks to show direct quotes from your lecturersorthe source you are using.
Record: During the lecture, write all meaningfulinformationlegibly. Reduce: After the lecture, write a summary ofthe ideasand facts using key words as cue words.
The Five Rs of Note-Taking
- Clarify meanings and relationships of ideas.
- Reinforce continuity.
- Strengthen memory retention.
- Prepare for exams in advance.