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- Wear dark glasses. Light has an alerting effect, anditinfluences your internal clock.
- Darken your bedroom.
- Make your bedroom quiet.
- Keep people informed.
- Keep cool.
- Manage your caffeine consumption.
- Avoid alcohol before bed.
- Maintain good sleep habits.
Similarly, is it bad to sleep all day?
Too much sleep on a regular basis can increasetherisk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and death accordingtoseveral studies done over the years. Too much is defined asgreaterthan nine hours. The most common cause is not gettingenoughsleep the night before, or cumulatively duringtheweek.
- Establish a quiet, relaxing bedtime routine.
- Relax your body.
- Make your bedroom conducive to sleep.
- Put clocks in your bedroom out of sight.
- Avoid caffeine after noon, and limit alcohol to 1 drinkseveralhours before bedtime.
- Avoid smoking.
- Get regular exercise.
- Go to bed only when you're sleepy.
Likewise, why do I sleep so much and still feel tired?
For some however, feeling tired and rundownduringwaking hours is an everyday occurrence. While therearemany possible causes of extreme daytime sleepinessincludingdietary deficiencies, depression, diabetes, anemia, orthyroidproblems, chronic daytime fatigue can very likelybecaused by a sleep disorder.
Randy Gardner (born c. 1948) set the record forthelongest a human has gone without sleep.In1964, Gardner, a high school student in San Diego,California,stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes (264.4hours.)