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Asked by: Jatin Facenda
home and garden home appliancesHow do you manually install a garbage disposal?
- Disconnect the p-trap and the horizontal extension pipe.
- Disconnect the down drainpipe.
- Unscrew the large nut.
- Pry off snap ring and clean off the old plumber's putty.
- Install the new sink flange.
- Install gasket and flanges.
- Slip on the mounting and snap rings.
- Remove the dishwasher knockout plug.
Likewise, how much should I charge to install a garbage disposal?
Cost of Initial Installation The average cost of a garbage disposalinstallation with a one-year manufacturer''s warranty is $185.The average amount of time taken to install a garbagedisposal, including cleanup, is three hours. The hourlycost for labor will range from $20 to $40 -- $28 onaverage.
Moreover, are garbage disposals interchangeable?
So that means you can't just pick any garbagedisposal in the store and plug it right into your sink. But thegood news is, it is not that complicated either. In fact, there isa good chance that the garbage disposal units out there inthe market will be compatible with your system rightnow.
If you live in a 1-2 person household, a 1/3 or ½HP model would suffice. If you live in a 3-6 personhousehold, your garbage disposer should have a ½ to¾ HP engine. For a 5-8 person household, the minimum HP yourdisposer should have is ¾, but a 1 HP motor ispreferable.