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Asked by: Jorgelina Lauret
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsHow do you massage the lateral Pterygoid?
Thereof, how do you massage the lateral pterygoid muscle?
Gently squeeze the muscle between the index finger and the thumb. Start with a gentle pressure, and gradually increase the muscle squeeze as tolerated. Teach the patient to self-squeeze the lateral pterygoid muscle for 1 minute several times per day. Relief of the headache, jaw or facial pain is sometimes immediate.
Beside this, how do you stretch a Pterygoid muscle?
To actively stretch the medial pterygoid, the patient lies supine and places two fingers behind the lower incisor teeth and the thumb under the chin, and by pulling the mandible forward and down, the patient opens the jaw fully. The opposite hand is placed on the forehead to stabilize the head and neck.
lateral pterygoid