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Asked by: Geovanni Allemand
home and garden home improvementHow do you maximize space in a small bathroom?
8 Tips & Tricks for Maximizing Space in a SmallBathroom
- Capitalize on shelving. Shelving is your best friend in asmall bathroom, and using your vertical surfaces to addshelving on the walls is the secret.
- Maximize Your Medicine Cabinet.
- Tackle the Toilet Area.
- Organize the Shower.
- Use Your Sink Space Wisely.
- Redirect the Door.
- Trick the Eye.
- Use Accessories to Your Advantage.
Then, how do I maximize my shower space?
6 Ways to Maximize Space in the Bathroom
- Use Glass. Get rid of the shower curtain or frosted-glassshower doors and replace them with clear glass.
- Maximize Space. If you have alternative storage or a linencloset, replace the vanity cabinet with a pedestal or wall-mountsink.
- Indirect Lighting.
- Natural Light.
- Embellish.
Similarly, it is asked, how much space is needed for a small bathroom?
A full bathroom usually requires a minimum of 36to 40 square feet. A 5' x 8' is the most common dimensions of aguest bathroom or a master bathroom in a smallhouse. If you happen to have this standard-sized smallbathroom, there are two different layouts you canconsider.
12 Design Tips To Make A Small Bathroom Better
- Install a corner sink. Sometimes even a pedestal sink candisrupt the only available traffic lane in a bathroom.
- Round the vanity.
- Extend the counter over the toilet.
- Use a large-scale pattern.
- Skip the shower door.
- Mount the towel bar on a door.
- Install a trough sink.
- Select a vanity with one shelf.