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Asked by: Babul Muthupalaniappan
science space and astronomyHow do you measure flatness with optical flats?
In this way, how is optical flatness measured?
There are a number of ways to measuretheflatness of a surface. The most common method withintheFlat Lapping sector is by using a Monochromatic Sodiumlightunit and an Optical Flat. This gives extremelyprecisemeasurements, more accurate than mostCMMmeasurements, in an economical way.
Subsequently, question is, how do you calculate flatness?
The flatness of a strip of steel is determinedbymeasuring the maximum deviation between a perfect straight lineandthe steel at two specified distances (t1 and t2).TheFlatness is determined by subtracting t2fromt1.
Explanation: Optical flats arecylindricalin shape and generally have 2 types i.e Type Aand Type B.Type A has only one surface flat.