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Asked by: Smart Jagalin
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you measure the angle of a Mitre cut?
The formula involves dividing 360 by the number of sides to calculate the corner angle. Then divide it by two to get the miter angle. If you're making a five-sided project with all sides equal, you divide 360 by five to get 72 degrees. So each joint or corner forms a 72-degree angle.
Also know, how do you measure angles?
How to measure an angle with a protractor:
- Place the midpoint of the protractor on the VERTEX of the angle.
- Line up one side of the angle with the zero line of the protractor (where you see the number 0).
- Read the degrees where the other side crosses the number scale.
- Set your miter saw to cut at an acute angle and it will cut at an obtuse angle by default.
- Imagine cutting an obtuse angle of 120 degrees as an example.
- Note that miter saw gauges don't go to 60.
- Set your saw at 30 (90 - 30 = 60) to cut at a 60-degree angle. Tip. Don't bang the saw down onto whatever you are cutting.
what is the tool for measuring angles?
Insert the handsaw on both sides of the miter box in the 22.5-degree slots on the fences. Use long and even handsaw strokes to cut at an angle of 22.5 degrees the baseboard or molding. After measuring the baseboard mark the location where you want to cut.