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Asked by: Violette Lejarriturri
home and garden home appliancesHow do you measure the cubic feet of an oven?
Thereof, what does cu ft mean on stoves?
Ovens also vary in capacity. This size is measuredincubic feet and usually varies from 3 cubic feettoover 5 cubic feet. If you need more space, a doublewalloven may be right for you. Shop Wall Ovens.
In respect to this, how do you measure the cubic feet of a microwave?
The internal measurements of amicrowaveare stated in cubic feet. To determinecubic feet,one should multiply the microwave'sinterior length by widthby height, then divide this total by 1,728.So, a microwavethat is 18 by 14 by 12 inches is 1.75cubic feet insize.
Integrated cookers: Typically, there are two standard widths:50cm(slimline) and 60cm (regular), although this candifferdepending on the brand. All cookers are designed inlinewith the standard size of a kitchen unit,measuringapproximately 90cm high and 60cm deep (there are someexceptions tothis rule).