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Asked by: Gabija Niewenhuys
music and audio dance and electronic musicHow do you mix low vocals?
7 Simple Tips to Mix Vocals Like a Pro
- Bring Them in Early. The beginning of a mix is like ablank canvas.
- Process Them in Context. The solo button is your enemy.
- Use Pre-Delay.
- Find the Right De-Esser.
- Avoid Ultra-Fast Attack Times.
- Don't Rely on Compression Alone.
- Pay Attention to Breaths and Other Noises.
Correspondingly, how do you mix your vocals?
- Step 1: Get A Great Recording. You NEED a good recording if youever want to produce a good vocal mix.
- Step 2: Comp the Vocal.
- Step 3: Remove Noise and Add Crossfades.
- Step 4: Apply Subtle Pitch Correction.
- Step 5: Gain Automation (The Secret Sauce)
- Step 6: Prepare for the Mix.
- Step 7: Gain Staging.
- Step 8: Surgical EQ.
- Mix preparation: use groups and busses. When your first openyour project, sort the tracks.
- Get a great static mix.
- Apply EQ to get clarity.
- Apply compression to get punch.
- Apply Reverb to Give A Sense of Space.
- Use panning to go stereo.
- Get fancy!
In this manner, how do you equalize a voice?
Applying EQ to a Voice Recording
- Use a High Pass Filter to Cut Everything Below 80Hz.
- Cut 100-300 Hz to Add Clarity.
- Cut 300-400 Hz if the Voice Sounds 'Muddy'
- A Wide Boost Between 2-6 kHz Can Improve Clarity.
- Cut Around 3-5 kHz if the Voice Sounds too Sibilant.
Mixed voice refers to the combination of chestvoice and head voice, which is considered as a strongand subtle aspect of singing. In this process, proper techniquesare utilized that includes correct usage of the vocal chord, breathcontrol and proper posture.