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Asked by: Seco Bussenschutt
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do you mount a satellite dish?
Besides, how do you position a satellite dish?
It is the horizontal (side-to-side) angle. Toadjust the azimuth of your satellite dish: Use yourcompass to determine which direction is west. Rotate yoursatellite dish slowly from the west towards the east, whilemonitoring the broadcast signal level on the signal meter of theDish Pointing menu.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can a satellite dish be installed on the ground?
In cases were a suitable wall or roof mount is notpossible, a common option is to install a groundpost. A ground post is almost never as stable as a wall orroof mount, however by selecting the proper mast material andinstalling in concrete, a ground mast canprovide a suitable mount for a satellite dish.
For the more amateur folks, all you need to know is thatthe signal strength is a number between 0 and 100 where 100is the best signal you can get. Signal strength inthe 90s is great. There's no need to fine tune any furtherif your signal strength is that high on allsatellites, even if it used to be higher.