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Asked by: Denese Tchanyshev
technology and computing operating systemsHow do you multitask at work?
- Make a Plan. The first step to effective multitasking ishaving a plan or setting goals.
- Combine Similar Tasks to Work on at the Same Time.
- Eliminate Distractions.
- Consistently Check in with Your Tasks and Goals.
- Take Time to Review Your Work.
Moreover, what are some examples of multitasking?
Multitasking is when one person handles more thanone task at the same time. Examples include chewing gumwhile walking, sending e-mails during a meeting, and talking on thephone while watching television. Research shows there are bothadvantages and disadvantages to multitasking.
Just so, what makes you effective at multitasking?
Multitasking effectively means being able toswitch focus with efficiency. Make sure that your answerdemonstrates that you can complete tasks and achieve goals,not just work on multiple things at once.
There are two basic types of multitasking:preemptive and cooperative. In preemptive multitasking, theoperating system parcels out CPU time slices to eachprogram.