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Asked by: Candice Havertz
sports snowboardingHow do you open a locked hon file cabinet without a key?
How to Unlock a File Cabinet When the Key Is Lost
- Take one piece of wire and bend it into a "Z" shape using your pliers.
- Take a second piece of wire and bend it so that it has a small upward point on one end.
- Place one end of the torque wrench into the lock, and apply pressure with your thumb.
Also question is, how do you open a locked filing cabinet without a key?
- Straighten out a paperclip but leave one of the ends bent.
- Insert the curved end of the paperclip into the keyhole.
- Turn the clip from left to right to find the correct unlock position.
- Turn your paperclip the correct way to unlock the filing cabinet.
- Pull on the handle to open your filing cabinet.
- On Windows 8, you can right-click the Start button to bring up the Power Menu and launch Computer Management straight from there.
- Expand Shared Folders, and click on Open Files at the left hand panel in Computer Management.
Herein, how do you open a locked filing cabinet?
How to Unlock a Broken File Cabinet Lock
- Place a 1/8-inch drill bit into your hand drill and place the tip of the drill bit on the center of the keyhole on the lock.
- Drill a hole straight through the lock.
- Place the blade of a screwdriver into the hole and attempt to turn the lock counterclockwise.
- Open up a bobby pin and bend it at a 90-degree angle.
- Remove the rubber tip on the straight end of the bobby pin.
- Stick the flat end of the pin into the top of the lock and bend it.
- Bend the wavy end of the bobby pin into a handle for more control.
- Bend the tip of another bobby pin to make the tension lever.