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Asked by: Troy Henninga
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do you open the console in Oblivion Xbox 360?
In respect to this, can you do console commands on Xbox 360?
1 Answer. Console commands are, in fact, PC only: PS3 and Xbox 360 owners do not get access to the console.
- Work through the Arena Questline.
- A nice way to make money is to explore some dungeons and caves.
- Make and sell potions.
- Welkynd stones, found in most Ayleid Ruins, score a good 50 gold coins each.
- When you do the "Purification" quest for the Dark Brotherhood, you get loads of gear, worth loads of money.
- Sell books.
Considering this, how do you open your inventory in Oblivion Xbox 360?
Open your inventory. You can access your inventory by opening your Journal and then navigating to the Inventory page. PC - Press Tab ↹ to open the Journal, and then click the Fist next to your health, magic, and stamina bars. Xbox 360 - Press B and then use LT / RT to switch between pages until you open the inventory.
To use Skyrim's commands, you'll need to open the developer console screen. This is easily done by tapping the tilde (~) key, which can be found under the Esc key, and just to the left of the 1 key on an American English keyboard.