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Asked by: Peru Talvir
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you optimize a swamp cooler?
How to Optimize Airflow in Your Home Swamp CoolerEfficiency
- Run the Pump Before Cooling Off. Swamp coolerpads need to be fully saturated in order to deliver the coolest airpossible.
- Test Relief Airflow.
- Close Doors to Rooms Not in Use.
- Check Humidity Outside and Inside.
- Listen to Your Cooling System.
- Make Sure Your Cooler Is in Top Shape.
Furthermore, how can I improve my swamp cooler performance?
Here's what you need to know.
- Use Your Swamp Cooler in a Dry Climate.
- Use Your Swamp Cooler Seasonally.
- Open the Windows.
- Run a Dehumidifier.
- Cultivate a Green Thumb.
- Experiment With Positioning.
- Prime the Pads First.
- Use Cold Water.
In respect to this, how can I make my swamp cooler colder?
How to Make a Swamp Cooler Throw Colder Air
- Position the swamp cooler on a shady side of your house ifpossible.
- Open a window on the opposite side of your house from the swampcooler.
- Ensure that the cooling pads are free of dirt, mold or crustedfoam.
- Keep the swamp cooler filled with water to the properlevel.
Swamp coolers utilize the evaporation of water tocreate the cooling effect. They do so at a rate ofabout 970 btu's cooling per lb of water evaporated. While anevaporative cooler (swamp cooler) may not provide asmuch cooling effect in the shade, less isneeded.