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Asked by: Filonila Bakes
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you paint a wooden stair railing?
Just so, what kind of paint do you use on a handrail?
Paint the handrail with interior enamel paint with a clean 2-inch trim paintbrush. Allow the paint to dry to the touch, and then apply a second coat. Remove the painter's tape from the balusters and the wall before the second coat dries completely to avoid pulling the paint from the handrail after it dries.
- Painted Stairs -Preparation is Key.
- Anyways, the best paint for painting railings, in my experience, is Benjamin Moore Advance.
- Since these stair railings and banisters have some detail to them, I used my favorite one-inch brush to make sure the paint was even, stroke free, and got into all of the crevices.
Just so, should I paint my stair railing?
Painted stairs and railings, especially when prepared meticulously and using the right paint, can also have a long life. Compared to stain, however, they do tend to have a shorter time staying scuff or damage-free. So, you may want to consider darker paint for treads, or protective runners to maintain the overall look.
Painting Spindles the Easy Way A neat, fast way to paint stair spindles or other hard-to-brush objects is to slip a plastic food storage bag over your hand and then an old white sock over the bag. Now dip your covered hand into the paint and apply it. You'll cover all the areas, including the nooks and crannies.