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Asked by: Guanghua Lanzuela
medical health digestive disordersHow do you permanently treat GERD naturally?
So here are 14 natural ways to reduce your acid refluxandheartburn, all backed by scientific research.
- Don't Overeat.
- Lose Weight.
- Follow a Low-Carb Diet.
- Limit Your Alcohol Intake.
- Don't Drink Too Much Coffee.
- Chew Gum.
- Avoid Raw Onion.
- Limit Your Intake of Carbonated Beverages.
Likewise, people ask, how do you treat GERD permanently?
Lifestyle and home remedies
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Stop smoking.
- Elevate the head of your bed.
- Don't lie down after a meal.
- Eat food slowly and chew thoroughly.
- Avoid foods and drinks that trigger reflux.
- Avoid tight-fitting clothing.
People also ask, is GERD curable?
Although common, the disease often isunrecognized– its symptoms misunderstood. This is unfortunatebecauseGERD is generally a treatable disease, thoughseriouscomplications can result if it is not treated properly. Alltoooften, GERD is either self-treated ormistreated.GERD is a chronic disease.
9 ways to relieve acid reflux without medication
- Eat sparingly and slowly. When the stomach is very full,therecan be more reflux into the esophagus.
- Avoid certain foods.
- Don't drink carbonated beverages.
- Stay up after eating.
- Don't move too fast.
- Sleep on an incline.
- Lose weight if it's advised.
- If you smoke, quit.