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Asked by: Amaiur Ibañarrieta
business and finance currenciesHow do you place a value in a number?
In our decimal number system, the valueofa digit depends on its place, or position, inthenumber. Each place has a value of 10 timestheplace to its right. A number in standard formisseparated into groups of three digits using commas. Each ofthesegroups is called a period.
Likewise, people ask, what is the place value of 4?
Place-Value Chart | ||
Trillions | Ones | |
4 | ||
Hundreds | Tens | Tens |
People also ask, what is place value example?
Place Value. more The value of whereadigit is in the number. Example: In 352, the 5 is inthe"tens" place, so its place value is10.Example: In 17.591, the 9 is in the"hundredths"place, so its place value is0.01.
A digit is a single symbol used to makenumerals.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are the ten digits we useineveryday numerals. Example: The numeral 153 is made up of 3digits("1", "5" and "3"). Example: The numeral 46 is made up of 2digits("4", and "6").