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Asked by: Judi Mendikoetxea
events and attractions baby showerHow do you plan a perfect bridal shower?
- Pick a date. Showers should be held anywhere fromtwoweeks to two months before the wedding.
- Compile a guest list.
- Choose a theme.
- Determine the location.
- Create the invitations.
- Send invitations.
- Decide on decorations and centerpieces.
- Plan a menu.
In this regard, who plans the bridal shower?
The bridal shower is usually hosted bythebridesmaids, the bride or groom's mother, or otherclosefemale relatives. If family members aren't available tohelpplan, the bridesmaids should step in to help take careofsome of the arrangements.
Similarly, you may ask, how long does it take to plan a bridal shower?
Weichelt says bridal showers should ideallylastbetween two and four hours. Anything shorter and guestswillfeel like they didn't have a chance to spend time withthe bride;anything longer and they'll be itching to head home.Three hoursmight just be the sweet spot, then.
Don't forget to write thank you notes to guestswhocouldn't attend but sent a gift." Brides: Don't hostyourown shower! A bride should never host herownshower, according to Chao.