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Asked by: Korey Geirinhas
home and garden landscapingHow do you plant shrubs in heavy clay soil?
People also ask, what shrubs grow well in clay soil?
And you can grow flowering shrubs inclaysoil like: Weigela. Buddleja. Forsythia.
Shrubs for clay soil
- Cornus.
- Viburnum.
- Mahonia.
- Berberis.
- Pyracantha.
- Cotoneaster.
Keeping this in view, will shrubs grow in clay soil?
Many shrubs grow well on claysoils,especially the popular deciduous flowering shrubs:deutzia,philadelphus, weigela, forsythia and ribes for example. Thelevelof nutrients in the soil means that supplementaryfeedingis rarely required for good floweringandperformance.
Like most plants, they tend to grow bestinsoils that drain well. Heavy clay soils thatretainwater can quickly kill hydrangeas. Instead, aimtogive hydrangeas soil that's fertile and well-drained.Thesesoils can quickly rot hydrangearoots.