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Asked by: Tonny Bimba
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you plant sweet million tomatoes?
- Sow seeds in pots indoors. First week of March.
- Pot up young plants. First week of April.
- Harden off young plants. First week of May.
- Plant out young plants. Third week of May.
Hereof, how do you grow sweet million tomatoes?
Start indoors mid-March to early April with bottom heat. Then grow seedlings on for 6-8 weeks at around 10°C (50°F). Early season tomatoes can be planted out when night time temperatures are reliably above 7°C (45°F). Other types should be transplanted out when night time lows are 10°C (50°F) or warmer.
In this regard, are sweet million tomatoes indeterminate?
If you enjoy canning the fruit, a determinate variety is your best choice. These plants grow as a 3- to 4-foot-tall bush and set all their fruit within a few weeks. If you want to enjoy your Tomatoes throughout the season, choose an indeterminate variety, which grows as a vine and needs staking.
As it ripens, the green deepens to brown, the flesh becomes slightly tender, and the flavor richens. At the peak of their maturity, Black cherry tomatoes are low in acidity and they develop a smoky and sweet flavor.