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Asked by: Berna Peirats
medical health pharmaceutical drugsHow do you plant verbena ground cover?
Hereof, how do you plant verbena?
If starting seed indoors under LED grow lights, plant 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date. Plant verbena in full sun in compost-amended beds once all the danger of frost passes. Space plants 10″ to 12″ inches apart. Verbena though not too particular about soil except it does need a well-drained soil.
In this manner, does verbena like acidic soil?
Verbenas need a soil that drains well, but not one that is particularly rich or fertile. Flowering will suffer if soils are too fertile. Soil pH should be 5.8 - 6.2 for optimum uptake of iron; and should be tested prior to planting but after adding any amendments.
The verbena needs moist soil until it is pretty well-established, but cannot tolerate soil that does not drain well, and may develop disease because of the poor drainage. The native verbena mentioned above blooms from March to October.