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Asked by: Barbel Caroli
hobbies and interests card gamesHow do you play Queen of Spades card game?
In this regard, what does the queen of spades card mean?
Queen of Spades Planetary Ruling Card. Queens represent the spiritual nature of man and the principle of birth. The Queen of Spades judges by willingness to work and by the degree of devotion in quest for wisdom. They are the disciplinarians. The exact place of the Queen of Spades is in a Crown line.
Likewise, people ask, can you play the queen of spades before hearts are broken?
You can not play a Heart or a Queen of Spades on the first trick, even if you don't have any Clubs. You cannot lead a Heart, before “Breaking Hearts” occurs. This term refers to when someone that cannot follow suit plays a heart.
The object of the game is to take at least the number of tricks that were bid before play of the hand began. Before the game begins, each player decides how many tricks he/she will be able to take. Adventurous players can decide to bid nil or blind nil.