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Asked by: Noureddine Caspersen
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsHow do you play the game I Spy?
I spy is a guessing game where one player (the spy or it) chooses an object within sight and announces to the other players that "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with", naming the first letter of the object. Other players attempt to guess this object.
Similarly, where did I spy game come from?
The game I Spy originated in Victorian England. It remains a common pastime played by children - albeit often initiated by adults to occupy bored children on car journeys and the like. One person secretly chooses an object that they can 'spy with his/her little eye' and the others take turns to guess what it is.
- 1 Camouflage your cam with a decorative skin case cover.
- 2 Mount your camera within the foliage of a plant.
- 3 Go higher and place out of sight.
- 4 Hide it in your outlet.
- 5 Hide it in plain sight.
- 6 Hide your cam completely from view with a photo frame.
- 7 Mask your cam inside an enclosure.
- 8 Camouflage in a sunflower.
Similarly, what does Ispy mean?
I-spy in British English noun. a game in which one player specifies the initial letter of the name of an object that he or she can see, which the other players then try to guess. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.
For Your Spy Kit:
- a roll of clear tape.
- a big powder makeup brush.
- baby powder.
- a small container with lid (old empty spice bottle will work great)
- 2 empty toilet paper rolls (or 1 paper towel roll cut in half)
- black paint.
- masking tape.
- a small notepad.