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Asked by: Ouahida Schiffl
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do you plug holes in carpenter bees?
Similarly, it is asked, what do you use to plug up carpenter bee holes?
Fill Abandoned Holes: When carpenter bees emerge in spring and again in fall, fill holes with a bit of steel wool, a wad of aluminum foil, a dowel and wood glue, or even caulk. After filling the holes completely, paint over them.
Correspondingly, how do you seal a carpenter bee hole?
Carpenter bee holes should be sealed with a CORKS or wood dowel and not caulking or expanding foam. The key is using something that seals the hole tight but keeps all the space inside open. This will allow hatching larvae to move about when they come out of their pupae casings.
“Carpenter bees can cut through caulking compounds.” Tew suggests using 0000 steel wool (4-0) dipped or sprayed with insecticide to close the entrance. This will cause the bee to chew on the steel wool for a while before escaping. The steel wool hole will need to be caulked over to prevent rusting as the wood degrades.