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Asked by: Bixia Jakubovsky
hobbies and interests needleworkHow do you prepare a bonsai tree for soil?
In this way, can you grow bonsai in normal soil?
Bonsai trees don't grow in regular plant potting soil. They need constant drainage. If they're put in a regular potting soil, their roots will rot and won't drain properly. The best qualities of a bonsai soil should be gravely and loose.
Moreover, how do you change the soil on a bonsai tree?
Knock the soil out of the root system either using your fingers or a specialized tool called a root hook. Gently disentangle the roots if they have grown thickly together. Remove some of the bonsai tree's roots. After untangling the roots, prune back some of the longer ones to keep the tree from outgrowing its pot.
If you plant a bonsai into soil it will grow into a mature tree. Bonsai trees should never be grown in the ground unless your intention is to grow a "pre-bonsai" to later be pruned back into a "Bonsai". Bonsai trees will flower and seed in ideal conditions.