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Asked by: Ibraima Escurra
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you preserve fresh celery?
Similarly, it is asked, what is the best way to keep celery fresh?
- Wrap the celery tightly in aluminum foil. Celery often goes bad fast because it releases ethylene, a ripening hormone.
- Re-wrap your celery after each use. After using celery for a meal, be sure to re-wrap it in aluminum foil.
- Keep the celery for three to four weeks. Store the celery in your refrigerator.
- Stock. Use celery when making vegetable, meat or fish stock.
- Celery gratin.
- Crudités. Crunchy crudités are always a winning buffet feature.
- Waldorf slaw.
- Celery soup.
- Herby celery & bulgur salad.
- Caponata.
- Italian sausage & pasta pot.
Besides, how do you store celery long term?
Wrap in a dry towel and place in a plastic bag or wrap tightly in foil and store in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. It should keep for up to two weeks. For long-term storage, celery can be frozen. Slice then spread out on a cookie sheet and place into the freezer.
So the trick to keeping celery fresh is keeping it hydrated, and you can do that in a few ways. The first is to wrap up stalks of celery in aluminum foil. All you have to do to revive celery is "soak a limp vegetable in water for a few hours and its cells will absorb water and reinflate.