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Asked by: Khammar Modica
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow do you preserve fresh lemon juice?
- Pour your lemon juice into an ice tray.
- Place the ice cube tray in the freezer overnight or untilthelemon juice is solid.
- Pop the lemon cubes out of trays oncethey'refrozen.
- Place the cubes into a resealable plastic bag.
- Label the bag and return the cubes to the freezer.
In respect to this, how long lemon juice can be preserved?
two weeks
In this regard, how do you keep lemon juice fresh for a long time?
Rather, store it in a plastic container orglasscontainer that is not transparent. It can last for about 2-3daysin the refrigerator. One of the best ways to storelemonjuice is to squeeze all the juice from thelemonsin to an ice-tray and let it freeze.
Even though lemon juice is a veryacidicsubstance, it can go bad, and if it's apreservative-freelemon juice, it goes bad prettyquick, especially ifit's stored in room temperature. Here's a ruleof thumb – ifyour freshly squeezed lemon juicehas been left inroom temperature for more than a day, throw itout.